
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Letter to a Younger Me

Today, we're back to Faith Jammin'. If you have read this blog for very long you know that Thursdays are Faith Jam with Faith Barista. If you haven't been here during Faith Jams, you can catch up in the "Faith Jam" archives. Our prompt is "What I know now". This post is suppose to be a letter, but I took a little creative liberty, and turned my letter into a list. So, here we go...

I wish I knew then what I know now. Isn't that the way the tale always goes? Part of living is growing, and unfortunately, we can't know then what we know now. Life is a process we have to muddle through. I wish I could go back to her, the college freshman Jennifer, and tell her I thing or two I've learned.

I'd tell her that her self-worth is not based in achievement. The stress she carried was to keep her place, to not rock the boat of self-worth. Do. Do. Do. Achieve. Achieve Achieve. It wasn't enough. Somehow you missed the Sunday school lesson on the unconditional love of God. Meditate on unconditional.

I'd tell her to take more risks, but to trust her gut when it tells her a risk isn't hers to take. The Holy Spirit is your guide- listen to Him. Never let the crowd dictate where you go. God works in individual lives. Trust Him to lead YOU.

I'd tell her to live her college years with her eyes wide open, because four years really fly when you're having fun.

I'd tell her to lighten up, to keep a short record of wrongs, to breath deep of that South Georgia air, to keep up the prayer walks because He hears (six years later you'll still be taking walks with God), and to spend more evenings eating taco bell at the Trussels.

I'd tell her to keep her friends close. To take a real good look at those folks. They won't soon be gone from your life.Your college gang will take on the role of extended family. Distance only makes the heart grow fonder.

I'd tell her to study to learn, for no other reason, but to learn. {Except: core classes and electives- yuck}

I'd tell her a lot, but I wonder if she should learn it on her own. Doesn't matter really. I've lived that part of my life. And when I say I had an absolute blast doing it, I'm not exaggerating one bit. I learned a lot, lived a lot, and made relationships with a lot of neat people. I'm better for my years at Brewton- Parker College. I'm better for struggling through the learning process. Are you?

Hey, you should join us over at Faith Barista Jam where other folks are responding to the "What I know Now" prompt. It'll be fun!

In His Name,



Scuba Girl said...

AMEN to everything you say!!!

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Scuba girl! One of those risk should probably scuba diving, huh? :)

Kristine Lynette said...

This is a great list, Jennifer. My college self should have heard these too.

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Kristen! Hindsights 20/20, right? I'm grateful for lessons learned, but I would have rather known a head of time.

Melissa said...

Great advice, Jennifer. I'm glad that you don't harbor regrets, and even see that the struggle makes us better. (I sometimes wish that wasn't so!)

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Melissa! It is easy to regret sometimes, but since I can't have a redo, I think I'll keep moving forward. Try at least. :)