
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Illuminate: Amazima Ministries

Illuminate is a series where I "illuminate" for you guys ministries that I believe you will benefit from knowing more about. Please be in prayer for the ministries featured. If you realize there is an additional way you can help, feel free to do just that.

Amazima Ministries: Amazima Ministries is a beautiful ministry for the people of Uganda. Directed by Katie Davis, Amazima meets the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of those most desperate for these needs to be met in Uganda. With big hearts, Amazima Ministries loves on, in very practical ways, countless children and families. (Click Amazima Ministries' tab above to learn more)

History: Please take the time to read the History section of this God-honoring ministry. The History tab gives a small synopsis and history of the ministries they offer- educational sponsorships, Bible Studies, vocational training, daily lunches, and more. (Click the link above to read more ministry details)

Katie's Story: Katie Davis' story is challenging and convicting. Her life shows how God takes us in our "normal" and uses us for His extraordinary. Katie, in her early twenties, is doing intense ministry and mothering 13 Ugandan daughters. You can find Katie's personal blog here. She has also published a book that you should check out "Kisses from Katie" (FYI- it's on my 2012 reading list). (Click on the link to learn more about Katie's Story)

What We Do: I mentioned that the "History" section gives a small synopsis of each aspect of the ministry. Guess what? The "What We Do" tab gives you a page by page description of each ministry within Amazima. Simply click each tab to the left of the first page. This is where you learn the heart of Amazima Ministries. Please don't miss this opportunity to learn about how God ministers to His people through the hands and feet of Amazima. (Click the "What We Do" link to read more)

How To Help: If you have been reading this blog for very long, you know I really hit hard on the "How To Help" sections of each ministries' website. Knowledge of ministries makes us responsible for how we use that information (sometimes all we can do is pray for them, which is powerful in itself). Amazima's website gives many ways they need our help, from their "7 Ways" to praying for them. So, we are without excuse. Do you have a friend whose birthday is coming up? Buy jewelry made from the women enrolled in Amazima's vocational program. See? Easy-peasy! (Click the link to learn more).

Blog: Lastly, check out the Amazima's Ministies' blog. The blog is the best way to keep up with the daily ins and outs of Amazima Ministries. (Click the "Blog" link to explore the blog).

This post does little justice for all you can learn by visiting Amazima Ministries website. Do me a favor and check it out for yourself.  And you know the drill, I ask that you consider praying for Amazima, Katie and the team, and the people their resources touch.

I have fallen in love with this ministry, and I hope you will too.

Now, get to explorin' and prayin'!

In His Name,

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