I'm not implying that prayers must be prayed kneeling. Please understand what I'm saying- my prayer life is not appropriate for a servant of Christ. The prayers utter from my lips often fly out nonchalantly with little reverence. A few "Help me" heres and "I need you" theres are my most popular phrases. God does want to "help me" and He loves to hear me acknowledge my need for Him. However, are relationship can not stay at this level. Growth in the area of prayer is mandatory for our relationship to be healthy. Prayer is my means of communication with Him- we all know that communication is the most important factor of any relationship.
God has been convicting me in this area for a little while, and I can see the growth that has already begun in my heart. But I still have to ask myself regularly: "Am I interceding for people, am I repenting, and am I offering Thanksgiving?". My prayer is that God will make me mindful of my selfishness in prayer.
So, maybe my knees don't show signs of consistent prayer, but that's not the condition they will stay in because I need intimacy with God. I am unable to live a life worthy of the title "Christ Follower" without His constant fellowship.
In His Love,

Please pray for me in this area too cause I'm in great need. Asking for His help every so often is not enough to stay connected on our end. Praying for you too :)
I will girl. The great thing is He wants us to have a great prayer life. So, we don't have to try to do it in our own power! Praying for you!
What I like is how our pastor does prayer...he begins with reading scripture and picking out the attributes, then he prays by praising him, then repentence, then prayer, then thanks, of course.
Wow, Nikole, that sounds like a great preacher! It's so easy to get into a routine praying that we forget to praise him, repent, and give thanks! Thanks!
Thank you for the reminder to actually take a set time to pray. My prayers are thrown out during the day here and there. There was a time in my younger days that I would pray for an hour a day. At first I could not believe that only 5 minutes had passed!!
As you mentioned, you do not have to kneel to pray, (my knees will not allow me to do that.) but what ever our position, we can pray and praise Him.
Amen. It's so easy to pray, but we always seem to neglect the practice! Thanks!
Prayer is something we all continue to learn and grow into. It's not as simple as some may make it sound. :) But, it's not completely complicated either. It's a relationship, and your post has encouraged us to go deeper. Thank you for your transparency, Jennifer!
You are exactly right, Bonnie. Prayer is easy and complicated. When are prayers are focused on what glories God, that's when we are changed. It becomes about Him and not us, but we are blessed in the process. Thanks, Bonnie!
God had been pressing it on my heart to pray,too. To truly believe our prayers go before the throne of a Sovereign and all-powerful God, and to expect things to happen when we pray! I am not good on this area.
You are right! It's such a priviledge to go to the throne in Confidence (Hebrews 4:16) and to be able to wait expectantly (Psalm 5:3). I hope that you find a sweet intimacy in your time of prayer!
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