...died to self that is. Okay, so maybe I'm not completely dead yet. I'm on life support right now. Not for long though. I'm letting go.

Hiking up the mountains in Nicaragua was the most physically challenging thing I have ever done in my life. There were so many times when the hills were too steep, like I honestly don't know how we made it up without falling kind of steep. There were other times when my body was reaching exhaustion, but I knew had to keep going. (We hiked three days for about 8hr a day. We had frequent breaks though.) However, I began to understand "Va Morir" on these hikes. We hiked not for our own pleasure, but with a purpose. We had to make it to the remote areas to put the gospel into these people's hands. ***It wasn't about me*** Go figure. So with each step that I knew I couldn't take on my own, I would ask God to move my feet for me. And He did. It was in those moments that parts of my flesh died. Hallelujah!

We also so 12 accept Christ and we are believing that they will spread His name through their villages and the one's surrounding.

Another spiritual thing I learned is "We preach with our feet". I never understood Romans 10:15 like I thought I did until I had a great conversasion about it with the missionary, Loren. He was telling us that even though we couldn't communicate with the people with our mouths, neither me nor my friend Sarah speak very good Spanish, we were using our feet. With each step we made we were better able to put the Gospel in people's hands. On the same note: One night I asked Loren if our guides thought we were lazy Americans. He said that He loves hearing both sides. He hears what we say and our concerns about what our guides are saying about us. Then he also hears what they say about us. His answer was different than I expected. "They do make fun of y'all. But what I really hear them saying is that it must be Jesus for y'all to be willing to come and struggle the way y'all do." Hallelujah! Just by using our feet we were encouragement to our Christian guides!!

God also gave me a gift. That was the gift of a friend. His name is Elmer and he's eighteen. His English is on about the same level as my Spanish. He was the only Nicaraguan that I was really able to communicate with. Our easiest mode of communication was through singing. It is a long story. So that will be my next post.

Please pray for me. I have been sick since i have been home. The doctor says He thinks I have a parasite. I'm having test run at the hospital and the results should be in tomorrow. Maybe then I will be put on some antibiotics and get off this stuff.
I am also dealing with the shock of being back and other spiritual battles. Just please lift me up to the Father. I have learned too much on this trip to have any of it stolen from me!
In His Love,
We preach with our feet! Now, that, sweet friend, will preach. Wow...such an amazing journey you've had. I'm sorry for your sickness and will be praying for a full recovery soon. Nick will be going back to Bolivia for 10 days in June. I'm a little worried for him, but know it's in his heart to return. You are forever changed because of this trip.
Undoubtedly, it will stay with you, in your heart and in your mind, for the rest of your days. Tend to the lessons learned and never forget to keep on...
preaching with your feet! I love that.
I'm so proud of you!
I can't wait to hear more about it. Sorry you're sick, I'm praying for a quick recovery.
I love you!
I so enjoyed reading this post Jennifer! It's encouraging to hear about some of the ways God worked in your life through this trip...I'll be praying that He will continue to do so, cementing the lessons deeply into your heart and life. And I hope you feel better soon!
I am so jealous! It looks like you had an amazing time. I know it has changed your life and also the lives of those you left in Nicaragua who now have hope in Christ!! How are you feeling? I will be praying for you, friend!
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