Have you ever thought about your role as a sheep?
What do sheep do?
They graze, eat, and lay around. Sounds like a sweet gig. ;) They do tend to wander off. We see that played out in the Bible (Matthew 18:12-14).
The amazing thing about sheep is there guide> The Shepherd.
In John 10, there is a beautiful picture of our gentle shepherd: "When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and his sheep follow because they know his voice...I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father- and I lay down my life for the sheep."
My Shepherd knows me.
He layed down His life for this wandering sheep.
Psalm 23:1-3 says,
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores me soul."
Tonight, I'm resting in my role as a sheep. I may be physically, mentally, and spiritually tired, but that does not change my role. I follow. In following, I rest.
For the crashing waves, there are quiet waters (Ps 23:2)
For the disturbed soul, there is restoration (Ps 23:3)
For the wandering, there are paths of righteousness (Ps 23: 3)
For the valley, there is no fear (Ps 23:4)
For the persecuted, there is a table (Ps 23:5)
For the lonely, there is hospitality in the house of the Lord (Ps 23:6)
In His Love,
This post is part of a jam session at

You have given me much to think on. Thank you.
Wonderful observations! I've thought a lot about sheep in my role as a shepherd, but not so much in my role as a sheep following THE shepherd. At least I haven't thought of that lately. I'm going to have to ruminate on this. :)
Katie, I'm so glad! :)
Sheryl, Thank you! It's so nice to rest in following Him!
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