Lord, thank You for the opportunity to come to Your throne in confidence that You hear my prayers. You're never tired of me or my heart. Thank You. Lord, I often take for granted the sweet gifts You have brought into my life. This blog, This is the Story of a Girl, is no exception. How did I go so long without asking You what You will for this space? Your Word says, As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). I have prayed that each post would bring You Glory, but I failed to pray for Your "higher ways" over this blog.
Tonight, Lord, it's me and You. We're here in this space together because, Lord, I can't write without You. This space is Yours. It has been from the first post three years ago. Now, let's make it official.
Welcome to the dedication of my space, This is the Story of a Girl. May God use each post, each comment, and each visit for His Glory. Lord, make this blog a place of digging into your Word, a place of Holy fellowship, a place were facades fall away, and a place where hearts are unloaded. I realize my dependence on You for wisdom in this space. Lord, I pray that I never become proud or believe I'm to be celebrated for Your words. Please help me not to lead Your people astray with the words I write here. Guard the hearts of our visitors.
I'm so privileged to be with You, Lord, right here at this moment. Thank You.
I pray each request in Your Son's precious name, Jesus Christ.
My blog friends, I'm thrilled to be sharing this moment with you. Thanks for stopping by. Hey, let me know if you are here with me! As you can see, I'm making some changes in my space. Having you guys along for the fun makes it worth while. :)
For my fellow Faith Baristas, this blog is a passion that I have mistakenly tried to do my own way. Bonnie was right saying, "When we judge our gifting by how many people like what we do, we forget our loving Heavenly Father beams with over-the-moon delight over our smallest expressions of faith". I can't wait to read about your "expressions of faith".

In His Name,
What a beautiful prayer! It was very unexpected to come find it today! I'm sure He will guide your words and direction in this new internet world of cyber friends.
My blog is dedicated to the Lord as well. I pray you will reach many for His glory.
Bless you!
What a beautiful dedication. As I read your words, I take them as my own and pray them over my blog as well. May the Lord use us both for His glory, for His higher ways. Thank you.
What a beautiful prayer! I found myself reading it aloud and praying it over my own blog! I love your heart.
What a wonderful prayer. I'm a new follower, and looking forward to sharing your experiences. Blessings!
Thank you, Nikole! You are a sweetheart! I pray that He does!
I agree with Nikole! A beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing so honestly with us on how God is guiding you and changing you. God will honor this.
That's great, Beth! I know for a fact that your writing reaches many! :)
Lisa, Thank you so much! Amen! As we surrender to His will, I know that He will "take the pen", if you will.
Barbie, That makes my night. He is so faithful to answer!...Thank you!
Linda, I'm so glad you're a follower! I love when people join me here. :)
Thank you, Katie, for your sweet encouragement! Made me smile. :)
I love your transparent heart and prayer. Thank you for putting into words what we should all be saying unto the Lord each day.
Yes, Lord, to you be the glory, for my life, my ministry, my everything.
Thank you, Lisa! It encourages me so much that so many of you guys are echoing the prayer of my heart. I can't wait to check out your blog. :)
What a wonderful reminder that all we do should glorify the Father!
Amen, sister.
Amen, Dawn! :)
What a fantastic prayer. I'm thankful you shared it with us as a post today! Like Lisa said above, I take your amazing words and pray them over you, me, and all of us. Thank you, thank you.
Caroline, thanks so much for your sweet encouragement! *smile* Yes and Amen- may He be glorified in each of our blogs!
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