
Friday, December 2, 2011

Illuminate, Loss, and Random Thoughts

Yesterday was the scheduled day for our Illuninate post, but I decided to participate, as per usual, in Thursday's Faith Barista Jam. Now, Due to the Christmas/News Years Season, I've decided it will be best to post-pone the next Illumiate post until February first. Lord willing the schedule will be back to normal come February.

Today, I've decided to trade stress for peace. That' s kind of a new thing for me. Yesterday I found myself beginning to stress because God had not laid any particular ministry on my heart for this month's Illuminate post. I decided I would move the post until the 2nd (today) to be able to join in on the Faith Barista Jam. Then come today I had nothing. Of course, the stress meter went up with that fact, and with the realization my next post would be news year right in the mist of all the seasonal celebrations of Christmas and New Years. So, for the first time in a long time, I chose the peaceful route- time to post-pone. You know what? I have so much peace and relief. Then I realized, even with all my lip-service, I still forget how to slow down and enjoy the season. I don't plan on taking "designated" time off the blog, but there will probably be less post this month. With so much going on this time of year, I am working to keep balance. But I can't not write. I love you guys and writing too much. :)

On a more serious note, I want to "talk" with y'all about something else that has been on my mind lately: the amount of people who will be walking through dark days this season. I know several families who have lost loved ones this year, several within the past few days. An amazing friend of mine, with muscular dystrophy, just died yesterday. He was a strong man who never let his illness get the best of him. Each of these families will be having their first Christmas without their loved family members/friends. I know there will be many more suffering through loss, loneliness. and sickness- some of their own and some of someone they love. I read this, I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places (Isaiah 45:3), on a blog this morning. That is my prayer for these and each of you reading who may be experiencing a less than joyful Christmas season. Yesterday I wrote about our hope (here)- it doesn't change even when our circumstances make it out to be a hoax. You're on my mind in and in my prayers.

Tonight, I will be making my way back to my grandparent's house for our tree trimming party. Yes, we're that type of family- the Christmas lovin' kind! *You know you love it* We'll decorate my nana's Christmas tree, eat yummy Christmas finger foods, sing Christmas carols around the piano (my family is the singing kind for real), sit by a little fire outside, and then I'll be snuggling up in my bed (I claim it as the single one) at nana's house. After writing that, I'm laughing at us. Even so, it's one of the highlight of the Christmas holidays.

Now that I have burdened you with random thoughts, some serious and some silly, I will stop.

I hope that you that have an extra awareness of God around and in you today!

In His Name,

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