
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Carbs or Life?

Lord, help me desire you more than I desire changed circumstances

I'm wondering what my life would look like if this was my daily prayer. If I desired Him more than changed circumstances, would I care what my life looked like. I say I need Him- that man does not live by bread alone- yet, I'm not lacking in the carb department, but my spiritual meals have been sparse. Most days I long for that plate of carbs I have for dinner more than I long for my plate full of Him.

Are you like that? and What do we do with that?

Well, I have an idea. I'm wondering if maybe we just need to change our focus, which I'm learning does not happen without a decision being made. What would happen if we (you, I) made a decision that we would pray the prayer above everyday? What if we decide to control our thoughts, to force them to turn to Him? What if we took captive every thought? What if He was what we wanted- all of Him- no matter what that means for dreams? What if we trusted Him enough to know that His plans are good- every single day?

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).’”

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor 10:5),

What if?

I think we would see Him begin to answer that prayer. Our desires would begin to shift to wanting Him alone. We would have healthy, God-honoring thoughts. Dreams would find their way to the alter in view of who He is. It would be a beautiful transformation.

Can you guess what decision I've made? Yep, I'm decided to pray this prayer every morning for thirty days (May 13th). I'm telling you here, because I would love your accountability. I mean, I just made a public declaration right?  I do better if I declare things publicly. *wink*

My challenge to you is not to come along side me and pray this prayer every morning. What I am asking is that you guys would examine your own relationship with God. Are you more concerned with your future than the writer of your future? What are you going to do about it?

Thanks for reading! You guys are the greatest!

In His Name,


Sarah said...

Big prayers for your big prayers, friend! Three days in . . . how is it going?

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Sarah! It's going "slowly, but surely". The second day was rough- my circumstances were rough, and I was already ready to throw in the towel. But I'm going to keep going> I really believe God is going to change my heart. :)