
Friday, July 13, 2012


"We're in Limbo"

That phrase has become our theme. In limbo we definitely are. (How's that for a yoda impersonation? Hey, it's Friday- humor me) To say this season is one of the weirdest seasons of my life would not be an exaggeration. We're not moving- we are hanging suspended in the air. At least that's how it seems. Issue after issue, situation after situation, circumstance upon circumstance points to this as our divine placement. It's a level of dependence I've never known.

Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:19-20)

Our greatest example, Jesus Christ, had no place to lay His head. He knew dependence. He knew intimate communion with God. I'll take this season to know Him more, to in some small way learn His nature, to in a feeble effort reflect Him.

We're in limbo. So unsure of what's next. Each praying for direction and leading. It's exciting, scary, and oh-so-full of adventure. I want to stare this season straight in the face, and let the Lord use it for all it's worth. The evidence of God's hand in each situation is unquestionable. I can say with confidence that He is working, not only because His Word says it (which is enough), but because I can see it.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Some days I do question God. There are days of memory lapse, when I forget or fail to see the signs. When my flesh screams for security, I miss the joy of standing on my firm foundation. There are days when I don't understand, and instead of leaning on truth, I slip and lean on my limited understanding. Then there are other days when I do see, I do remember, and I do lean on truth. It's a firm foundation.

With all that has come with this season, one of the best things is realized freedom, it's always been there, but I've often decided to stay captive to false security or my own plans. I can't say I've figured it out. Can we ever? But with each step I get closer.

So here I am in limbo, and lovin' it (some days).

{Thank you, Emily Gallimore, for pushing me to write. It's much appreciated!}

In His Name,



Rebecca said...

"The Son of man has no place to lay His head." I think of this verse so often when I'm complaining. "I'm so tired of always being in transition" or "I just want to find a place to live and stay there." It's tough, but we have to make ourselves at Home in His will and realize that what for us feels like limbo, for Him is all part of the plan. (I say this after a fit of whining that won me NO sympathy from anyone.)

Jennifer said...

I'm not alone! Knowing that is such a big help. :) Learning dependence is not my favorite thing, but the benefit of a closer walk with God is worth the tough times.