Y'all have we (I) lost our (my) sincere and pure devotion to Christ?
*Sorry to throw the southern roots out there, but sometimes "you all" and "you guys" just doesn't cut it. Actually, I never use "you all". I'm too casual for that.*
I don't know about you. But I do know about me. This girl is an adulterous wife....
I serve myself- my wants, my fears, my insecurities, and my dreams. I'm the idol taking His place in my life. Instead of pure devotion to Christ, my will takes first place.
Like Eve, I've been deceived.
For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough. 2 Cor 11:4
At first glance, it's easy to say, "No way. I don't accept things contrary to Christ!"
When you think about it, your opinion may change. Mine has. I have to honestly admit it's easier than I want it to be. How often do I accept things that don't line up with the Word? What about those moments when I fail to stand on the truth; or when I am swayed by things that sound good, but that fall short when held up to the word? Regretfully, I've traded truth for cheap lies.
Somewhere along the way, I learned to seek "me" and my "kingdom" first. How can I be purely devoted to Christ, when I'm in the way. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11:1-3, "I betrothed you to one husband...but I am afraid...your thoughts will be lead astray...". My devotion has swayed too often.
Joy is in a right relationship with God- when I stand on the truth, debunk every lie, and stay sincerely and purely devoted to Christ.
Y'all I fail at this a lot. But I'm praying, "Lord, forgive me for choosing my own will over your divine will. Please tear down my idols." It's a scary prayer....But oh so worth it!
In His Love,

Thank you for your honest and heartfelt response to these scripture passages. Like all of us, you find it impossible to live into the 'pure love' on your own. Thankfully, God knows that about us and invites us again and again to come to the mercy seat, receive forgiveness and begin anew. Thanks for this good reminder of our oh-so-human controlling sin: placing ourselves on the throne of our lives and ignoring the true God who has redeemed us, each and every one.
Diana Trautwein at http://drgtjustwondering.blogspot.com
Jennifer, what an honest reflection of a heart that draws near to Jesus. We are always in this place of learning to let go. Thanks for encouraging us with how you're going through it.
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