
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Broken Cisterns

My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water (Jeremiah 2:13).

Courtesy of Flickr: here
Are you drinking from the spring of living water, or are you digging cisterns only to find that they are broken? That's the question I'm asking myself today. Although I've never considered myself a work achoholic, work is all I seem to do in my spiritual life. I work to fill my life with all the wrong things, even things done with good motives. Any work, apart from drinking of the life-giving spring, is in vain. You can bank on that.

Below is a link to a portion of an episode of Wednesdays with Beth. I think, since I first saw it Sunday, I have watched it three times. Beth Moore talks about being filled to the measure, and she tells a story that is now burned in my mind. It shows what God can do through us that we could not do on our own. It also shows of the love of a Savior that would even care about the smallest details of our lives. I challenge you to check it out.

Filled to the Measure

It's a little long, but oh-so-good!!

In His Name,

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